Root Canal

If you’re worried that you might be suffering from endodontic (root canal) disease, Dr. Edward Ward wants you to know that catching endodontic disease early is extremely important to your dental health. Plus, it makes any root canal procedure you might need much less invasive and less )!

Although there’s no one “textbook case” of endodontic disease because of the wide variety and combination of symptoms that may manifest from person to person, there are a few questions that Dr. Ward would like you to ask yourself:

  • Do I experience lingering tooth sensitivity to cold liquids?
  • Do I notice lingering tooth sensitivity to hot liquids?
  • Do I experience tooth sensitivity when eating sweets?
  • Does the pressure from biting give me pain?
  • Do I have pain that starts in my tooth but moves on to another area, such as the ear, temple, or neck?
  • Do I seem to have just random spontaneous toothaches, even just when sitting quietly like when watching TV or reading a magazine?
  • Do I have constant or intermittent tooth (or tooth-associated) pain?
  • Is my tooth (or tooth-associated) pain severe?
  • Do I experience throbbing tooth (or tooth-associated) pain?
  • Does my pain get worse when I’m undergoing atmospheric pressure changes, such as when I’m flying or scuba diving?
  • Does my pain worsen anytime I change my posture, like when I go from a standing to reclining position?
  • Do I notice any swelling around my tooth or anywhere else in face?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, Dr. Ward would really like to meet with you in order to save your natural tooth and improve your overall health. You may also be suffering from decay, periodontal disease, cracked teeth, defective fillings, or other tooth- or bite-related problems. Your discomfort may even be caused by a disorder unrelated to your teeth.

Dr. Ward should be the first name on your call list when symptoms such as these arise. Just direct any questions to him through Interstate Dental Clinic at (503) 285-5307. You can also complete the online form to make an appointment with him. The sooner you’re diagnosed, the better!

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(503) 285-5307

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Interstate Dental Clinic
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Dr. Edward E. Ward

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Interstate Dental Clinic
5835 N Interstate Ave
Portland, OR 97217
General Info: (503) 285-5307
Comfortable, Affordable Care

 Call for an appointment:
(503) 285-5307

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Interstate Dental